
基于SkipNet支持多属性范围查询的云资源共享设计 被引量:1

Cloud resource sharing design supporting multi-attribute range query based on SkipNet
摘要 在云资源共享服务模式中,针对云资源多属性范围查询的问题,提出一种改进的E-SkipNet网络。首先,E-SkipNet在传统分布式哈希表(DHT)网络SkipNet的基础上将数据属性引入到节点Name ID的设置中,将物理节点加入到单个属性域中,以支持多属性范围查询;其次,在原E-SkipNet网络的基础上,将物理节点同时映射成多个逻辑节点;同时加入多个属性域,并将资源按照不同的属性发布到不同逻辑节点上;最后,采用均匀位置保留哈希函数对资源进行映射存储,从而在各个属性域中保留属性值的顺序关系,从而支持范围查询。仿真结果表明,改进后的E-SkipNet网络与改进前的E-SkipNet和多属性可寻址网络(MAAN)相比,在路由效率方面分别提高了18.09%和20.47%。结果表明,改进后的E-SkipNet网络能支持更加高效的云资源多属性范围查询,在异构环境中能较好地实现负载均衡。 In cloud resource sharing service model, in order to realize the multi-attribute range query of cloud resources,an improved E-SkipNet network was proposed. Firstly, based on the traditional Distributed Hash Table( DHT) network SkipNet, data attributes were added to the setting of Name ID and physical nodes were added to single attribute domain to support multi-attribute range queries in E-SkipNet. Secondly, on the basis of the original E-SkipNet network, the physical nodes were simultaneously mapped into multiple logical nodes and added to multiple attribute domains, and the resources were released in accordance with different attributes to different logical nodes in the improved E-SkipNet. Finally, the resources were mapped to logical nodes utilizing uniform locality preserving hashing function, which was the key to support efficient range query. The simulation results show that the routing efficiency of improved E-SkipNet network was respectively increased by 18. 09% and 20. 47% compared with E-SkipNet and Multi-Attribute Addressable Network( MAAN). The results show that the improved E-SkipNet can support more efficient cloud resource multi-attribute range queries and achieve load balancing in heterogeneous environment.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期72-76,共5页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61170277 61472256) 上海市教委科研创新重点项目(12zz137) 上海市一流学科建设项目(S1201YLXK) 沪江基金资助项目(A14006)~~
关键词 E-SkipNet 云资源共享 多属性 区间查询 属性域 均匀位置保留哈希函数 E-SkipNet cloud resource sharing multi-attribute range query attribute domain uniform locality preserving hashing function
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