
能力健康概念及其启示 被引量:9

Define Health Concept from the Ability Approach and Its Implications for China's Health Services
摘要 能力健康概念认为健康是个体在面对社会、生理和心理挑战时的自我管理和适应能力,判断一个人是否健康,要看他是否具备相应的生理、心理和社会能力以履行他所属的社会共同体赋予他的社会义务,并从中确立和实现自身的价值。这个概念既克服了生物医学健康概念把人等同于一般生物的简单性,也克服了世界卫生组织健康概念的理想化、难以操作化的不足。在老年病、慢性病以及其他不可治愈的疾病占据疾病谱主要位置的今天,能力健康概念启示我国健康服务业需要把帮助患者重建生存和发展能力纳入发展的重点。 The World Health Organization's health concept is too idealization to operate, and the biomedical health concept takes human as simple as the general biology. However, from the ability approach, health is the ability to adapt and self manage in the face of social, physical, and emotional challenges. According to this concept, to judge whether a person is healthy is to see if he/she has the appropriate physical, mental and social capabilities to fulfill his/her social obligations and realize his/her own value. This health concept overcomes the shortcomings of the former two concepts of health and also implies us to focus China's health services on helping patients rebuild the survival and development abilities in the case of geriatrics, chronic disease and other incurable diseases occupied the main position at the spectrum of disease nowadays.
作者 周业勤
出处 《医学与哲学(A)》 北大核心 2016年第1期18-21,共4页 Medicine & Philosophy:Humanistic & Social Medicine Edition
基金 2015年度国家社会科学基金项目 项目编号:15BSH121
关键词 健康概念 健康服务 健康政策 concept of health; health services; health policy
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