
甲醇制芳烃技术研究与工业化示范进展 被引量:6

Research and Industrial Demonstration on Methanol Aromatics Technology
摘要 首先介绍了甲醇制芳烃的技术背景和反应原理,然后从甲醇制芳烃分子筛催化剂改性技术的研究方面进行了代表性文献分析。本文针对国内甲醇制芳烃项目备受关注的技术经济性问题,重点对Mobil公司、中科院山西煤化所、清华大学三种甲醇制芳烃技术指标和工艺特点进行了详细对比,并从生产成本、煤价等方面对甲醇制芳烃项目进行了简单的技术经济性分析,最后本文简要介绍了国内甲醇制芳烃示范项目的建设进展。 MTA technical background and reaction principle and modification of molecular sieve catalyst representation of the research literature were introduced. Aimed at national methanol technical and economic issues of concern in aromatics project, three species methanol business aromatic technology index and process features for Mobil company, and CAS, Tsinghua University were detailed compared, production cost, and coal price, aspects on methanol business aromatic project were simply technology economic analyzed, construction progress of domestic methanol business aromatic model project was briefly introduced.
作者 邵长丽
出处 《广州化工》 CAS 2016年第1期41-43,共3页 GuangZhou Chemical Industry
关键词 甲醇制芳烃 BTX芳烃 工业化示范 技术经济性 methanol aromatization BTX aromatics, industrial demonstration technology and economy
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