
技术炒作曲线的教育价值及其对教育技术学科发展的观照 被引量:6

The Hype Cycle in Education: Lessons for Instructional Technology
摘要 技术炒作曲线是一条呈现新兴技术从提出到成熟运用于某一领域期间在每一个时间段受到媒体关注度的曲线,是用于整体把握技术创新发展态势、评估技术创新成熟程度、选择创新介入时机、预期技术创新后发优势的有力工具。运用技术炒作曲线透视技术创新在教育领域内的扩散轨迹,有助于人们理性认识和把握新兴技术在教育中扩散的基本规律和内在价值,更好地推进信息技术与教育的深度融合。纵观教育技术领域内各种技术融入的发展脉络,不难发现大多数技术融入进程都停滞在低谷期,进而在领域内销声匿迹。这归根结底源于我们没有处理好技术、教育与人的发展三者之间的复杂关系,没有为技术在教育领域内的应用确立真正的价值追求。面对技术浪潮下层出不穷的各种新技术,教育技术领域的专业人员应秉持应有的学术定力与专业精神,从技术融入教育本身的规律出发,真正意识到其复杂性与长期性,扎实地推进基础研究,并致力于把基础研究成果向实践应用领域转化,以帮助技术在向教育领域扩散的过程中成功通过炒作曲线。 The Hype Cycle is a branded graphical presentation for representing the maturity, adoption andsocial application of specific technologies in specific fields over time. It is helpful for us to learn the trends andissues of emerging technologies in education and develop the effective interventions to promote the development.The authors argue that the Hype Cycle could be used as a powerful framework to understand the diffusion ofemerging technologies into education and facilitate the learning and learning with technology. In this article, theauthors analyze the development of various technologies, including mobile learning and MOOC with this framework,and find that most of technologies disappear when they fail in the stage of disillusionment. The lesson we can learnfrom these cases is to make more perseverant efforts to understand the complex nature of interaction betweentechnology and education, develop more powerful interpretive framework for the technology diffusion and carry outthe technology practice based on the fundamental findings. In this case, we need the spirits of professionalism andperseverance, and the essential challenge for us is to find the balance among technology, education and humandevelopment.
出处 《现代远程教育研究》 CSSCI 2016年第1期19-26,共8页 Modern Distance Education Research
基金 2014年度教育部哲学社会科学重大课题攻关项目"信息技术支持下的教育教学模式研究"(14JZD044)
关键词 技术炒作曲线 移动学习 大规模开放在线课程 教育技术学 教育价值 媒体关注度 The Hype Cycle Mobile Learning MOOC Instructional Technology Educational Significance Media Attention
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