
农村婚姻暴力受害因素的有效对称研究 被引量:1

Gender Symmetry of Factors for Spousal Violence Victimization:Findings From an Empirical Research of Hunan Province
摘要 立足农村家庭结构与中国特有的新型农村社会保障体系,以湖南某县级市的实证调查为依据,运用主成分分析、最小二乘回归分析和bootstrapping法,探究婚姻暴力受害因素对不同性别的解释力度。结果显示:农村女性受暴总体高于男性,家庭规模的扩大与家庭关系满意度的提升降低男性家暴的受害,社会支持网规模的扩大增加了两性遭受家暴的风险,"新农保"与"新农合"制度成为降低女性家暴受害的保护性因素,家庭功能衰弱导致家暴的情况没有出现,农村男性与女性家暴受害因素呈有限对称。 This research attempted to explore the gender symmetry associated with the factor for spousal violence victimization on the strength of family structure and China's rural social security system,based on an empirical research from a county in Hunan Provence,and the principle analytic model is ordinary least square with principal component analysis and bootstrapping.The results demonstrate that the overall probability of spousal violence against women is higher than man;family size and satisfaction to family relationship could reduce the odds of spousal violence victimization to male,and the social support network scale lead to contradictory result to ego-domestic victimization;Meanwhile,the development of the New Rural Social Endowment Insurance System and New Rural Cooperative Medical System further decrease the hazard of female victimization,a consequence do not be triggered that spousal violence happened on account of the week family function.Then the finding declares a finite symmetry of the spousal violence victimization pattern to both genders.
作者 陈璇 夏一巍
出处 《西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期119-125,共7页 Journal of Northwest A&F University(Social Science Edition)
关键词 婚姻暴力 家庭结构 社会支持网 农村社会保障 有限对称 spousal violence family structure social support network social security in rural area finite symmetry
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