
膜联蛋白A2特异性siRNA的设计合成及干扰效率分析 被引量:2

Analysis on design synthesis and interferential efficiency of specific siRNA of ANXA2
摘要 目的设计合成并筛选出高效的膜联蛋白A2(ANXA2)特异性小干扰RNA(siRNA)干扰片段,以进行后续试验。方法根据ANXA2 mRNA序列,设计编码siRNA的DNA序列,克隆入表达载体(ANXA2-siRNA1-3),与过表达载体共转染293T细胞,筛选有效干扰片段。结果 ANXA2-siRNA3可高效干扰外源性ANXA2的表达,具有较高的干扰效率。结论成功筛选出ANXA2的高效干扰片段,为下一步研究打下基础。 Objective To design,synthesize and screen the highly efficient and specific siRNA interference fragment of annexin A2(ANXA2)for conducting the follow-up experiment.Methods The DNA sequence of siRNA was designed and encoded according to ANXA2 mRNA sequence,then cloned into the expression vector(ANXA2-siRNA1-3),which and the over-expression vector were co-transfected to the 293 T cells for screening the effectively interferential fragment.Results ANXA2-siRNA3 could efficiently interfere in the expression of exogenous ANXA2 with higher interferential efficiency.Conclusion The highly efficient interferential fragment of ANXA2 is successfully screened out,which lays the foundation for the further research.
作者 许耀辉 李娜
出处 《检验医学与临床》 CAS 2016年第2期186-188,共3页 Laboratory Medicine and Clinic
基金 2014年江苏省无锡市科技局指导项目
关键词 RNA干扰 膜联蛋白A2 抗磷脂综合征 RNA interference annexin A2 antiphospholipid syndrome
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