

The Paradox between Humboldtian Tradition and the New Era
摘要 德国大学影响深远,国内过往研究多注重洪堡传统的形成及其积极意义,却忽视其长期固守传统的弊端。文章基于统计资料和文献研究,从历史演变的视角,探讨洪堡模式传统大学的命运,解析德国高等教育传统与现代、理念和实践的冲突,认为传统大学是为工业化初期设计的精英教育机构,它垄断德国高等教育并日益僵化,与高等教育的大众化趋势形成悖论,阻碍其发展。第二次世界大战以后以数量扩张为先导,德国高等教育走进变革时代,摆脱传统束缚,实现了大众化和多样化。 The traditional university in Germany produces a lasting influence historically.The formation and positive significance of the Humboldtian tradition is much concerned in China,but its negative effect is often neglected.Based on literatures and statistics,the article explores the fate of this tradition in the viewpoint of historical evolution and analyzes the conflict between the tradition and modern,idea and practice.The traditional university was a particular elite institution designed for the aristocracy in the initial stage of industrialization.Without modification,it became ossified and monopolized,which ran contrary to the popular tendency of higher education and prevented its further development.After the World War II,with the growing of the student number,German higher education stepped into the revolution era,got rid of the trammel of tradition and turned to apopular style and diversification.
作者 赵子剑
出处 《高校教育管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期67-73,共7页 Journal of Higher Education Management
基金 河北省社会科学基金项目(HB15JY073)
关键词 德国传统大学 精英教育 教育扩张 多样化 院校类型 German traditional university elite education educational expansion diversification the type of higher education institution
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