
新闻使用者:一个亟待重新理解的群体 被引量:14

News Users: A Group Needs to be Re-understood
摘要 本文建议采用"新闻使用者"(News Users)"一词来描述网络时代的新闻受众,并试图从历史的、情境化的以及传播者与使用者之关系的角度来重新阐释这一始终变化着的群体。研究认为,新闻使用者的量级、兴趣、聚合与分化的方式、使用新闻的行为等都正在发生质的变化。新闻使用应该被置于日常生活的时空情境和社会情境下加以理解。新闻生产者尤其需要采取这种新的认知方式,发展与新闻使用者的新型关系。 This article recommended to adopt the term "news users "to re-describe the news audiences in the internet era and attempted to reinterpret this group which is always changing from the historical,situated perspective and focused on the relationship between news makers and news users. The paper argued that the magnitude of the news users,their interests,the ways of aggregation and differentiation,and the news usage were essentially changing. News usage should be placed in the situation of daily life to understand,including social situation and space-time situation. In particular,news producers need to adopt this new cognitive way to develop a new relationship with the news users.
作者 王辰瑶
出处 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期115-121,共7页 Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金青年项目"网络时代新闻报道观念创新研究"(14CXW001)的阶段性成果
关键词 新闻使用者 受众 情境 新闻生产者 news users audience situation news makers
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