目的建立用于分子药理学研究的药物分离吸附层析模拟系统并初步应用。方法提出吸附层析的多室解吸理论模型 ,推导相关公式 ,编制计算机程序。结果与结论该模型可根据实验需要拟合出最佳分离效果的吸附层析解吸曲线 ,并准确描述系统各室浓度随时间的变化规律。介绍了数例有应用价值的特殊解吸曲线 ,并利用此系统对膜整合蛋白进行了分离 。
Aim An imitative system of adsorption chromatography was established and applied. Methods A multi-compartment desorption theory model in adsorption-chromatography was put forward, some formulae were deduced and a computer program was compiled. Results The model could imitate the best curve of adsorption-chromatography according to the experimental requirement and reveal the relationship between the time and the concentration of a certain compartment. Conclusion The system could bring about a better isolation effect than the traditional method of two-compartment linear desorption.