

Crisis Management and Team Effectiveness——Based on the Crisis Management Team(CMT) Research
摘要 危机事件的有效应对与组织的生存有关。组织是否为潜在危机准备,取决于组织内部高级官员和其他人员的运作。建立危机管理团队的组织能够有效地沟通和应对危机事件。影响团队效率和有效性的各种因素有事先相互沟通、团队组成、任务知识、领导能力和组织文化。同时,在危机事件处理中危机团队必须遵守相应的伦理准则。虽然不可能对所有事故做准备,但对可能发生的危机作适当准备是组织的责任。 Effective coping with crisis events is relevant to the survival of the organization. Whether or not an organi- zation is prepared for a potential crisis depends upon the operation of senior officials and other personnel within the com- pany. The establishment of a crisis management team can help communicate and deal with crisis effectively. Various fac- tors influence the efficiency and effectiveness of a team, such as prior interactions, team composition, task knowledge, leadership ability and the organization's culture. Meanwhile, crisis teams must comply with the ethical guidelines in crisis events. Although it is impossible to prepare for all accidents, it is the team's responsibility to make suitable preparations for the coming crisis.
作者 罗增让
出处 《宝鸡文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第6期134-138,共5页 Journal of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences:Social Science Edition
基金 陕西省教育科学规划课题:中小学心理发展团体训练模式与实践研究(项目编号:SGH140672)
关键词 危机 决策 有效性 伦理 责任 团队 crisis decision making effectiveness ethics responsibility team
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