利用连南1962—2013年的气象观测资料及柠檬种植生长发育资料,分析柠檬生长的生态气候环境条件和气象灾害的种类。结果表明,连南年平均温度19.5℃,≥10℃的年活动积温6 750.0℃,极端低温-4.8℃,年降雨量1 600.5 mm,年日照时数1 549.9 h,无霜期312 d;气象因子的变化等对柠檬各个生长阶段有着明显的影响,特别提出的是开花期的降温、降水对柠檬挂果率的影响尤为显著;通过小波分析,连南气温1980年后呈现明显的4年周期性,多年降水则显示出多重时间周期尺度的嵌套结构现象。本地气象灾害种类繁多,例如低温阴雨(倒春寒)、雨雪冰冻、冰雹、雷雨大风、干旱等。因此,研究连南柠檬生长的生态气象环境条件及气象灾害,对于加强农业气象方面指导并提高柠檬的产量有着重要意义。
Meteorological data and lemon cultivation and growth data during 1962--2013 in Liannan County were collected and used to analyze the types of ecological and climate conditions and meteorological disasters affecting lemon growth. The results showed that the annually average temperature was 19.5 ℃, annually active accumulated temperature(≥10 ℃) was 6 750.0 ℃, the extreme low temperature was-4.8 ℃, the annual rainfall was 1 600.5 mm, the annual sunshine hours was 1549.9h, and the frost-free period was 312 days. Changes in weather and other factors had a significant impact on lemon growth at various stages, in particular that at the flowering stage the cooling and precipitation influence on lemon fruiting rate was significant. Wavelet analysis showed a significant four-year periodicity of temperatures after 1980, while years of precipitation showed the phenomenon of multiple nested structure showing time period scales. A wide range of local meteorological disasters existed, such as the cold and rainy weather(late spring), snow and ice, hail, thunderstorms, and droughts, etc.. Therefore, the study of ecological and meteorological environmental conditions and meteorological disasters in Liannan County played a significant role in strengthening the guide of agricultural meteorology and improving the yield of lemon.
Biological Disaster Science
climate change
meteorological disasters