
网上信息特征对于消费者延迟选择的影响研究 被引量:8

Research on the Influence of Characteristic of Online Information on the Choice Deferral of Consumer
摘要 互联网已经发展成为一个重要的外部信息来源,消费者在网上购物选择时不仅面临信息的不对称,而且也会感受到信息的过载。然而,对于这两个不完全信息的构面如何影响消费者的选择却知之甚少。为此,根据先前的相关研究,本文设计出网上信息特征对于消费者延迟选择影响的理论模型。实证结果表明,除了较高的信息不对称感知并未导致相应程度的感知风险,其他路径均显著并符合各研究假定。同时,感知风险和感知价值在信息过载对于延迟选择的影响中起到了部分中介的作用,涉入度在信息过载对于感知风险和感知价值的影响中起到了较为显著的正向调节作用。最后依照研究结果为管理实务提出对策建议。 The Internet has become an important external information source, when consumers go shopping online and make choices, they not only face information asymmetry, but also could feel information overload. However, there is little known about bow two facets of the incomplete information influence the choice of consumer. Therefore, according to the pre- vious relevant study, the paper designs the theoretical model about the influence of characteristic of online information on the choice deferral of consumer. The empirical results show that the other paths are all significant and meet the research hy- potheses except the higher perception of information asymmetry can' t result in the corresponding perceived risk. Mean- while, perceived risk and perceived value play the partial intermediary role of the influence of the information overload on the choice deferral, and the involvement plays a more significant positive adjustment of the influence of information over- load on the perceived risk and perceived value. Finally, several implications are put forward.
作者 李亮 黄赞
出处 《情报科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期120-126,共7页 Information Science
基金 2015年山西财经大学青年科研基金项目(QN-2015001)
关键词 互联网 信息不对称 信息过载 延迟选择 internet information asymmetry information overload choice deferral
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