1Rosalind Driver, Edith Guesne, Andree Tiberghien, Children" Ideas In Science, Open University Press(1985), Chapterl.
2Novie, S and Nussbaum, J. (1978). Junior high school pupils'understanding of the particulate nature of matter. Aninterview study. Science Education, 62(3),273-281.
3Novic, S and Nussbaum, J. (1981).Pupils'understanding of the particulate nature of matter:A cross age study. Science Education, 65(2),187-196.
4Brook, A,Briggs, H and Driver, R. (1984).Aspects of Secondary Students'Understanding of the Particulate Nature of Matter. Children's Learning in Science Project. Centre for studies in science and Mathematics Education, The University of Leeds.