
“天人合一”之于中国特色环境哲学的建构 被引量:4

Significance of Human-Nature Integration on Construction of Environmental Philosophy with Chinese Characteristics
摘要 人道本天道而来,须尊(遵)天道而行,"天人合一"是人道与天道的合一,是人道对天道的彰显与实现,是人生的实践过程。实践性是"天人合一"思想与中国特色环境哲学内在统一的关键,具体体现为人道和天道在对天人之际、对人与自然关系的观照,对人的实践主体地位的强调,对人的实践方式之依据的规定,以及对人的实践过程的重视等方面,它们是内在一致的。人不是抽象的人,而是在世界观、价值观、人生观主导下的实践活动主体,"天人合一"思想在一元论世界观、整体性价值观、可持续发展观、适度节俭的消费观等方面的理论内涵,正可助益中国特色环境哲学的建构。更进一步,从对形而下的人与自然关系的关注,上升为重新或继续思考中国哲学形而上的"究天人之际"和"天人合一",中国特色环境哲学有理由成为中国哲学当代发展的一种形式。一方面,中国特色环境哲学的理论建构,应该充分挖掘中国哲学的源头活水,充分吸收中国哲学的理论滋养,在传统与现代的对接中结出丰硕的理论果实;另一方面,中国特色环境哲学的现实关注,赋予了"究天人之际""天人合一"的中国哲学以鲜活的时代精神,或可成为中国哲学现代化的一个路向,进而使中国特色环境哲学成为中国哲学当代发展的一种形式。 The rule of human society follows the rule of nature. Human-nature integration is the integration of the rule of human society and the rule of nature. It is humans demonstration and practice of nature rule and the practical process of life. The key of the inherent unity between human-nature integration and environmental philosophy with Chinese characteristics lies in partialness, which is reflected in their concerns with human-nature relationship, in their emphasis on mans role of subject in practice, in the defining of grounds of mans practice mode and in the stress on the process of mans practice. Man is not an abstract concept but a subject of human activities dominated by values, philosophy and world view. The theoretical connotation of human- nature integration in world view of monism, holistic values, sustainable development conception and attitude of moderate consumption can help to construct the environmental philosophy with Chinese characteristics. Furthermore, the environmental philosophy with Chinese characteristics has every reason to become a development form of contemporary Chinese philosophy because it has shifted its focus from the concrete study of the relationship between man and nature to the abstract research of Chinese philosophy in human- nature integration. On one hand, the theoretical construction of the environmental philosophy with Chinese characteristics should fully explore the sources of Chinese philosophy and fully absorb the theoretical essence of Chinese philosophy in order to advance theories in the communication and integration of traditional and modern philosophy. On the other hand, the focus on the reality of the environmental philosophy with Chinese characteristics has given the Chinese philosophy a dynamic spirit of the times:"exploration of human-nature relationship"and"pursuit of human-nature integration", which may be a development direction of Chinese philosophy modernization and then make the environmental philosophy with Chinese characteristics a development form of contemporary Chinese philosophy.
作者 杨英姿
机构地区 海南师范大学
出处 《南京林业大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2015年第4期49-55,共7页 Journal of Nanjing Forestry University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"社会主义生态文明的历史观维度研究"(15XZX019)
关键词 天人合一 环境哲学 中国特色 建构 human-nature integration environmental philosophy Chinese characteristics construction
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