
大数据环境下高校图书馆数据素养教育研究 被引量:41

Research on University Library Data Literacy Education under Big Data Environment
摘要 大数据环境下,社会对于数据的重视程度逐渐升温,促进了人们对于个人素养的认知,作为素养教育机构之一的高校图书馆也从传统的信息素养教育逐渐开始转向数据素养教育。在当前数据素养教育主要采取的数据管理导航、数据素养教育课程、专项数据素养教育几种模式中,高校图书馆还应当针对不同的培训对象,从基础能力教育、专业领域教育方面对科研人员、学生、馆员采取不同的数据素养教育策略。 Under the environment of.big data, the important degree of data for the society gradually warms up, promotes the people's cognition of the personal literacy, as one of the education institutions, university library also begins to turn the traditional information literacy education to data literacy education. Besides data management navigation, data literacy education courses and special data literacy education which current data literacy education mainly takes, the university library should be targeted at different training objects, from basic ability education and professional field education, take different data literacy education strategy for scientific research personnel, students and librarians.
出处 《图书馆建设》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期76-80,共5页 Library Development
关键词 大数据 高校图书馆 数据素养教育 信息素养 Big data University library Data literacy education Information literacy
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