
桐城派古文创作对小说笔法的吸纳与运用 被引量:2

The Absorption and Use of Fiction Style in the Ancient Prose Creation of Tongcheng School
摘要 桐城派文体呈现出开放性和包容性等特征,其古文创作对小说笔法进行了充分吸纳与运用,表现在运用细节描写,因小见大;以简笔叙述情节、勾画场面、渲染环境来刻画人物;注重典型的选取。究其原因,这不仅与桐城派学习、借鉴传统,从优良古文中吸取各种写作技法有关,亦与林纾等小说家身份关联密切;同时与作家独特的美学追求,及在理论和创作上追求创新与超越相关。桐城派借鉴、吸纳小说笔法丰富了其古文的表现手法,提升了文体品味,其对古文创作的价值和意义在于:真情传神,营造意境。 Tongcheng style shows the characteristics of openess and inclusiveness, its prose creation fully absorbed and used fiction style, including detailed description,depicting characters by simple narrative, sketched scenes and rendering the environment, and typi- cal selection. The reason for this is not only because of the Tongcheng School's tradition of learning and drawing lessons from the ex- cellent ancient Chinese writing techniques, but also the Lin Shu's identity of being a novelist and writer as well as the unique aesthetic pursuit, and innovation in theory and creation. Tongcheng School's absorption and use of fiction techniques enriched its techniques of expression and improved the style. The value and significance of ancient prose creation lied in the true, vivid artistic conception.
作者 邓心强
出处 《中国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期71-75,共5页 Research of Chinese Literature
基金 中国矿大2013年度校社科项目"桐城派言说方式研究"(2013W06)的阶段性成果之一 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助 江苏省教育厅2014年度高校哲学社会科学项目"魏晋南北朝批评文体研究"(2014JSD418)前期成果之一
关键词 桐城派 古文 小说 笔法 吸纳 Tongcheng school ancient prose novel style absorb
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  • 1杨星映主编.文艺学基本原理[M].重庆:重庆大学出版社.1996.
  • 2何天杰.桐城文派[M].广州:广州文化出版社,1989.65-66.
  • 3方苞.方苞集[M].上海:上海古籍出版社,1983.
  • 4姚鼐.古文辞类纂[M].上海:上海古籍出版社,1998.
  • 5童庆炳等.文体学丛书(五册)[M].昆明:云南人民出社,1999.
  • 6《桐城派研究》第137-141页.





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