
微博转发网络中的节点特征和传播模型 被引量:2

Node characteristic and propagation model in microblog forwarding network
摘要 微博作为重要的社交网络平台,具有传播快速、平台影响大的特点。微博用户的节点特征决定了其网络影响力。研究了微博转发网络中节点的度值特征和传播模型。首先通过区分信息流动方向构建了微博转发网络;其次分别讨论了出度一入度的均值和方差,明确二者的差异,并分析了考虑节点度值特征的信息传播过程;最后通过仿真验证可以看出:边的有向性对信息传播有着显著的影响,在有向条件下,渗流阈值增加,同样概率下传播范围变小,信息传播更为困难。 Microblog is an important social network with rapid propagation speed and great influence. The network influence is determined by users' node characteristic. Nodes' degree and propagation model in microblog forwarding network were investgated. Firstly, microblog forwarding network was constructed through distinguishing information flow direction. Secondly, the mean and variance of out-degree and in-degree were discussed. The difference between out-degree and in-degree was clarified. Finally, the simulation shows that the direction characteristic of edge has significantly influence on information propagation. The propagation becomes harder and propagation range diminishes while percolation threshold rises in directed graph under the same probability.
作者 李晋 杨子龙
出处 《电信科学》 北大核心 2016年第1期40-45,共6页 Telecommunications Science
基金 北京市教育委员会人文社会科学研究计划面上项目(No.SM201411232005) 北京市属高校教师专项培训2014年中青年骨干教师一般国外访问学者研修培训项目(No.067145301400)~~
关键词 转发网络 微博 度值特征 信息传播 forwarding network; microblog; degree characteristic; information propagation
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