
基于值域的GNSS姿态测量改进算法研究 被引量:1

Improved algorithm based on result zone for GNSS attitude measurement
摘要 针对基于值域的全球卫星导航系统(GNSS,global navigation satellite system)姿态测量方法没有考虑搜索域相关性而造成初始化时间长、搜索范围大的问题,提出了一种模糊度反约束值域搜索的改进方法。首先推导了固定基线长度条件下模糊度搜索空间,然后利用较小的2个搜索空间及其与俯仰角、航向角的关系重新确立了二维搜索域组合,最后根据值域搜索在基线二次残差最小情况下确定整周模糊度。实验结果表明,该算法充分利用了搜索域的相关性信息,减小了搜索空间,并将初始化时间缩短到40 s以内。 The correlation of search zone was not included in the result zone algorithm for GNSS attitude measurement, which led to extended time for initialization and oversize range for searching, then an improved algorithm in which search zone was bounded by ambiguity was proposed in the following procedures. First, search space for ambiguity with the condition of fixed baseline length was deduced. Then combination of two dimensional search zone was established by the smaller two search spaces and their relations with heading and elevation angle. Finally the integer ambiguity was defined on the basis of result zone search with the minimal two-order residuals of baseline. The experiment reveals that the correlative information on search zone is fully exploited and the size of search space is reduced, with time for initialization reduced to less than 40 seconds.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期191-197,共7页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.61273049)~~
关键词 整周模糊度 姿态测量 值域 基线约束 integer ambiguity attitude measurement result zone baseline constrain
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