
铝板电絮凝法去除重金属离子Cr(Ⅵ)的研究 被引量:4

Research on the removal of heavy metal ion Cr(Ⅵ)by aluminum electrode plate electro-coagulation process
摘要 拟遭受突发性铬污染的水体为研究对象,采用铝电极板电絮凝法去除水中Cr(Ⅵ),考察电流密度、反应时间、溶液初始p H等操作参数对重金属离子Cr(Ⅵ)去除效果的影响,在最佳工况条件下,Cr(Ⅵ)的去除率达到99.99%以上。在模拟废水中投加4.0 mg/L十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB),与不投加CTAB过程相比,反应时间同样为20 min,电流效率从104.7%上升到121.0%,去除率从84.56%上升到99.99%。两个反应过程均符合一级动力学模型。絮体SEM表征显示添加CTAB使絮体更加密实。 Taking the simulated water body which was contaminated suddenly by Cr as the research target, aluminum electrode plate electro-coagulation process has been used for the removal of Cr ( Ⅵ ) from water. The influences of operating parameters, such as current density, reaction time and initial pH of the solution, etc. on the removal effect on heavy metal Cr( Ⅵ ) ions are investigated. Under optimum working conditions ,the Cr( Ⅵ ) removing rate can be above 99.99%. Comparing the simulated wastewater to which hexadecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) (4.0 mg/L) was added to the simulated wastewater to which CTAB was not added,when both of their reaction time are 20 min,and current efficiency increases from 104.7% to 121.0% ,the removing rate raises from 84.56% to 99.99%. Both of the two reactions processes comply with the first order of kinetics model. The floc SEM characterization shows that the addition of CTAB makes the floc more compact.
出处 《工业水处理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期48-51,共4页 Industrial Water Treatment
关键词 电絮凝 铬污染 表面活性剂 动力学 electro-coagulation Cr( Ⅵ ) contamination surfactant kinetics
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