测试了BGA(球栅阵列)无铅焊球Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu焊点经65,115,165℃时效保温不同时间后在剪切速率0.5,10 mm/s下的强度,并对BGA焊球在不同的应变速率条件下的抗剪强度进行模拟对比。结果表明:随时效时间的延长,温度的升高,焊点抗剪强度降低,有限元分析(FEA)发现,应变速率越高,焊点抗剪强度越大,Von Mises等效应力越大,等效应变越小。
The shear strengths of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu lead-free solder joints of BGA were tested after aging experiment,the effect of 65 ℃, 115 ℃ and 165 ℃ aging for different times on shear strength of lead-free solder joints of BGA was studied. In order to contrast, ball shear test with different displacement rates was investigated. It was clarified that with the increase of aging time and temperature, the shear strengths of the joints persisted to descend. The finite element analysis results indicated that faster shear speed would result in higher ball shear strength and Von Mises Equivalent stress, but lower equivalent strain.
Welding Technology