
CT引导经皮穿刺活检术诊断孤立性肺结节 被引量:12

CT-guided percutaneous biopsy in diagnosis of solitary pulmonary nodule
摘要 目的探讨CT引导下经皮穿刺孤立性肺结节活检的诊断效能及并发症。方法回顾性分析我院经皮穿刺孤立性肺结节活检患者225例,分析患者年龄、性别、吸烟史及穿刺病理结果及并发症,计算经皮穿刺活检诊断孤立性肺结节的效能。结果 225例患者中,病理诊断恶性结节154例(154/225,68.44%),良性结节71例(71/225,31.56%)。经皮穿刺活检诊断恶性孤立性肺结节的敏感度、特异度、准确率分别为99.33%(149/150)、93.33%(70/75)、97.33%(219/225)。术后气胸、咯血及肺出血发生率分别为15.11%(34/225)、5.33%(12/225)、9.33%(21/225),经对症处理后均消失。结论 CT引导下经皮穿刺活检是早期诊断孤立性肺结节方便、快捷、安全、有效的方法。 Objective To explore the diagnostic efficiency and complications of CT-guided percutaneous biopsy in solitary pulmonary nodule (SPN). Methods Two hundred and twenty-five SPN patients underwent CT-guided pereutaneous tran- sthoracic needle biopsy. Patient's age, gender, smoking habits, biopsy results and complications were analyzed, and the efficiency of CT-guided percutaneous biopsy in diagnosis of SPN were calculated. Results Of 225 SPN patients, malignant were 154 cases (154/225, 68.44%) and benign were 71 cases (71/225, 31.56%) by CT-guided percutaneous biopsy. The diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity of CT-guided percutaneous biopsy were 99.33% ( 149/150 ) and 93.33% ( 70/ 75), 97.33% (219/225), respectively. The incidences of pneumothorax, hemoptysis and pulmonary hemorrhage were 15.11% (34/225), 5.33%(12/225), 9.33% (21/225), respectively, which were disappeared after symptomatic treatment. Conclusion CT-guided percutaneous biopsy for SPN is a convenient, quick, safe and effective early diagnostic method.
出处 《中国介入影像与治疗学》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期73-76,共4页 Chinese Journal of Interventional Imaging and Therapy
关键词 孤立性肺结节 体层摄影术 X线计算机 活组织检查 Solitary pulmonary nodule Tomography, X-ray computed Biopsy
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