
日本《大肠癌治疗指南(2014年版)》解读 被引量:19

Interpretation of Japanese Society for Cancer of Colon and Rectum(JSCCR) guidelines 2014 for the treatment of colorectal cancer
摘要 日本大肠癌研究会编纂的《大肠癌治疗指南(2014版)》于2014-01-24发表并在临床应用。《大肠癌治疗指南(2014版)》在内镜治疗、手术治疗、复发大肠癌的治疗、大肠癌血行转移的治疗、化学疗法、放射线疗法、术后随访等方面均有不同的更新,在2010年版《大肠癌治疗指南》文献的基础上,收集了新的日文及英文文献,将循证医学证据等级高的、新的研究成果以及适合的会议记录和方案纳入指南。因此,《大肠癌治疗指南(2014版)》具有时代性和先进性,其不仅在日本本土,在国际上也有重要的影响,充分的掌握其精神和内容,制定符合我国的诊治指南,对于推动我国大肠癌的规范化诊治具有重要意义。 Japanese Society for Cancer of Colon and rectum (JSCCR) Guidelines 2014 for the Treatment of Coloreetal Cancer was issued on 24th January, 2014. Based on a high level evidence-based medicine, endotherapy, surgery, treatment of recurrent eoloreetal cancer, treatment of metastases of eoloreetal eaneer, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and follow-up strategy were updated based on the 2010 edition. So the 2014 edition of coloreetal eaneer treatment guidelines provided more advanced and scientific treatment programs. It has an important influence not only on Japan but also on the world. Mastering the content and developing eoloreetal cancer treatment guidelines in line with China' s actual were of great signifieanee in promoting the standardization diagnosis and treatment of eoloreetal cancer in our country.
作者 所剑
出处 《中国实用外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期84-92,共9页 Chinese Journal of Practical Surgery
关键词 大肠癌 治疗 指南 colorectal cancer treatment guideline
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