
数据管理计划构成规范及其可操作数据监护模型研究 被引量:14

Research on the Specification of Data Management Plan and Its Operational Model
摘要 【目的】提出一套科学数据管理计划的细化构成规范;并依此从可操作角度构建数据监护模型。【方法】对国际上主要科研管理机构的数据管理计划规范进行调研和统计;并结合当前科研数据管理的需求与特点进行补充。【结果】形成8大基本构成要素和39个子要素的数据管理计划细化构成规范,并构建出一种以数据管理计划为核心驱动的数据监护模型。【结论】数据管理计划细化构成规范可以完整、准确规范和指导科研数据的管理活动,在操作层面上也可以有效地控制和约束科研全生命周期的数据监护过程。 [Objective] Propose a set of detailed structure specifications of scientific data management plan and in accordance with a data curation model constructed from the operational perspective. [Methods] This paper carries on the research and the statistics on the scientific data management plan specification of the main research and management agencies in the world, and makes supplement combining with the requirement and characteristic of current scientific research data management. [Results] This paper forms the detailed structure specification of data management plan with 8 major basic elements and 39 sub-elements and constructs a data curation model taking data management plan as the core driver. [Conclusions] The detailed structure specification of data management plan may regulate and guide the activities of scientific data management completely and accurately, it can also be effectively controlled and restricted the data curation process of the whole life cycle of scientific research at the operational level.
作者 刘峰 张晓林
出处 《现代图书情报技术》 CSSCI 2016年第1期11-16,共6页 New Technology of Library and Information Service
基金 国家"十二五"科技支撑计划项目"农村信息服务云存储与云计算技术研究及平台建设"(项目编号:2013BAD15B02) 中国科学院"十二五"信息化项目"科学数据资源整合与共享工程"(项目编号:XXH12504)和中国科学院计算机网络信息中心一三五规划重点培育方向专项"科研大数据资源管理与服务平台及其关键技术"(项目编号:NIC_PY_1405)的研究成果之一
关键词 数据管理计划 数据监护 科研生命周期 Data management plan Data curation Research lifecycle
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