

New Channels of Public Leisure Provision——Third Sector's International Experience on Public Leisure Provision and Implications
摘要 《国民旅游休闲纲要2013~2020》的颁布显示出我国实现全民休闲的决心,但目前的现状是休闲供给远不能满足休闲需求的增长。我国公共休闲供给主要通过政府部门和商业部门两个渠道。本文引入介绍第三部门这个新渠道,不仅是理论研究纵深化的需要,也是为政府决策提供科学依据。通过分析国外第三部门在公共休闲供给发展中的地位和作用,说明第三部门对于实现全民休闲的重要性和必要性,并就推动第三部门在我国公共休闲领域的发展提出建议。 Outline of National Tourism and Leisure, published in year 2013, reveals the resolution of China's plan to realize national leisure, while the current condition is that leisure provision is far less than the increase of leisure demand. In China, public leisure is mainly provided by government sector and commercial sector, while lack of the third sector. This paper tries to introduce and analyze the role that the third sector has played during the development of public leisure provision in foreign countries to illustrate the importance and necessity of the third sector for the realization of national leisure. And some recommendations are followed on how to promote the development of the third sector in China' s public leisure provision.
作者 盛小芳
出处 《湖南商学院学报》 2015年第6期82-86,共5页 Journal of Hunan Business College
基金 2012年教育部人文社会科学青年基金项目"公共休闲的供给方式及评估方法研究:国际经验与政策建议"部分成果。项目。编号:12YJC630167
关键词 第三部门 公共休闲供给 新渠道 志愿机构 公益信托 社会企业 third sector public leisure provision new channel voluntary organizations charitable trusts social enterprises
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