

Definition and methodological reflections on Political Argument
摘要 政治论证是政治实践活动主体根据某种政治理念与主张,以对话、辩论、谈判、论述、演讲等形式实施的论证活动,其语言实践与政治结构、政治过程及其特征相关联,主要目的是"说服",促使论证参与者接受或认同,并受文化背景、社会语境的影响与制约,呈现出社会文化性、语境依赖性等特点。政治论证作为在具体情境中开展的论证活动,应从论证所体现的文化背景、社会语境及论证的目的动机、语言、规范与规则、结构等方面对其进行分析研究。 In the light of some political ideas and position, political argument is a kind of argument activity which the agents on political practices carry out in the shape of dialogues, argumentation, treatise, negotiation and speeches, etc. The language practices about political argument correlate with political structures, political process and their characteristics, whose main purpose is "persuasion" to urge the masses to accept and identify with the argument. Political argument is affected by culture, and social context, which embodies some characters such as socio -cultural nature and contextdependency. Political arguments, as argument activities in specific situations, should be studied from the prospective of cultural background, social context, languages, norms and rules, structures, and so on.
作者 陈心文
出处 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2015年第12期54-59,共6页 Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(10JZD0006)
关键词 政治 政治论证 广义论证 语境 方法论 politics political argument general argumentation context Methodology
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