
绩效评价:美国提升高等教育质量的重要举措 被引量:1

Performance Evaluation:An Important Measure to Improve the Quality of American Higher Education
摘要 面对全球高等教育竞争的日益加剧和美国高等教育质量下降的局面,美国政府采取了以绩效评价促进大学质量提升的改革措施,将大学生综合能力考查作为绩效评价的核心内容。为推动高等学校绩效评价的展开,美国政府确定了大学绩效评价的主要内容,扩展了大学绩效评价的社会功能,修订了高等学校质量认证的标准,并开发了多种考评系统等。我国高等学校评价应高度关注学生质量,全面收集学生信息,努力提供社会服务,以提升大学评价的社会应用价值。 Facing the unceasing agg rav ation of globalhigher education competition and the decline in the quality of American higher education, American gover nmenthas adoptedper formance evaluation as are form measure to improve the quality of universities, which takes the comprehensive capability examination of univer sity students as the core content.In order to promo te the implementation of perfo rmanceev aluation in universities, American government has determined the major contents of the evaluation, expanded the social functions of the evaluation, revised the univer sity accreditation standards and develo ped many student examination sy stems. As to Chinese univer sity evaluation, we should highly attach importance to the quality of students, collect complete student info rmatio n, try our best to provide social services and elev ate the values of university evaluation in social applications.
作者 蔡敏
出处 《评价与管理》 2015年第4期15-19,共5页 Evaluation & Management
关键词 美国 高等教育 绩效评价 教育质量 America higher education perfo rmance evalua tion quality of education
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