

Who on Earth is the Author of The Water Margin——Lü Naiyan's Commentary on Luo Guanzhong's Sequel to The Water Margin
摘要 吕乃岩之《试说罗贯中续〈水浒〉》,辨析了《水浒》前后部分之间存在的不少矛盾之处,梁山好汉最可贵的反贪官、反豪强的精神到下半部完全改变,受招安更是违反历史发展规律,而罗贯中的一贯思想是维护封建正统,反对农民起义,将《水浒》后半部与罗贯中本人所作的《三遂平妖传》、《残唐五代史演传》相对照,也会发现不少相似之处,从而揭示了《水浒》前半部分为施耐庵原作,后半部分为罗贯中续作,并认为"王道生《施耐庵墓志》可信"。《述评》进而指出,由于不适当的行政干预,致使1952年、1982年施耐庵身世调查成果未得彰显。在其他地方没有发现任何实质性否证的情况下,现在是到了坚决采信施耐庵身世调研成果,可以认定兴化白驹场施耐庵《水浒》著作权的时候了! In the writing of On Luo Guanzhong' s sequel to The Water Margin, Lv naiyan discriminated contra- dictions between the front and back parts in The Water Margin. For instance, Liangshan heroes' valuable spirit of anti - corrupt officials and anti - despotic forces completely changed in the second half, and giving in upon the gov- ernment is obviously against the law of historical development. This was right close to Luo Guanzhong~ consistent i- dea of maintaining the feudalism against peasant uprisings, which was also found in The story of Sansui Ghost Paci- fications and The Romance of Late - Tang and Five Dynasties written by him, and then it was revealed that the first half of The Water Margin was Shi Naian' s original writing but the second was the sequel by Luo Guanzhong, which made Shi Naian's Epitaph believable written by Wang Daosheng. The commentary further pointed out that the inap- propriate administrative intervention resulted in Shi Naian's life experience uncertain in 1952 and1982. Without oth- er falsification materials, it is right time to identify the copyright of The Water Margin by Xinghua Baiju Shi Nai' an.
作者 莫其康
出处 《菏泽学院学报》 2015年第6期11-24,共14页 Journal of Heze University
关键词 吕乃岩 水浒传 施耐庵 罗贯中 Lu Naiyan The Water Margin Shi Nai' an Luo Guanzhong
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