
梵净山固氮优势维管植物垂直分布及土壤性状特征 被引量:4

Vertical Distribution of Vascular Plants with Nitrogen Fixation Superiority and Soil Properties in Fanjing Mountain
摘要 为了对梵净山森林植被恢复与生态系统管理提供科学依据,根据梵净山林地资源的实际情况,以不同海拔高度的固氮维管束优势植物及其土壤为研究对象,通过野外调查与室内分析相结合的方法,对梵净山不同海拔高度下固氮优势植物分布特征及其土壤性状特征进行研究。结果表明:梵净山有固氮维管植物10科38属92种,占梵净山种子植物138科的7.25%,440属的8.64%,933种的9.86%;1300 m以下是固氮维管植物的主要分布区,达68种,尤以蝶形花科植物最多;梵净山不同海拔高度的土壤p H在3.65~4.82,不同海拔高度下土壤有机质含量大小关系为回香坪北〉护国寺〉金顶南〉九龙池北〉转塘,土壤养分含量和有效含量丰富,能较好地提供植物所需营养素。 The distribution characteristics of dominant vascular plants with nitrogen fixation at different elevations and soil properties in Fanjing Mountain were studied by the combination method of field survey and indoor analysis according to the actual status of forest resources to provide the scientific basis for forest revegetation and ecosystem management in Fanjing Mountain. Results: There are 92 species,38 genera,10 families in vascular plants with nitrogen fixation in Fanjing Mountain,account for 9. 86 % of 933 species,8. 64 % of 440 genera and7. 25 % of 138 families in spermatophyte respectively. 68 vascular plants with nitrogen fixation distribute in areas below 1300 m mainly and most of vascular plants with nitrogen fixation are Papilionaceae plants. p H of soil with different elevations is 3. 65- 4. 82. The organic matter content in soils under different elevations is Huixiangpingbei Huguosi Jindingnan Jiulongchibei Zhuantang. The higher nutrition content and available nutrient content of soil can provide essential nutrients for plant better.
出处 《西南农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期2624-2629,共6页 Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 贵州省省院合作项目[黔科合院地合(2013)7002] 贵州省社发攻关项目[黔科合SY(2013)3152] 贵州科学院创新基金项目[黔科院J合字(2013)04] 贵州科学院人才从新团队项目:贵州省重要生态系统监测创新团队 梵净山国家自然保护区管理局科技专项:梵净山土壤类型与性状特征调查
关键词 固氮维管植物 垂直分布 生态效应 土壤性状 梵净山 Vascular plant with nitrogen fixation Vertical distribution Ecological efficiency Soil property Fanjing Mountain
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