目的建立豚鼠光学离焦近视动物模型,初步探索线粒体融合蛋白1(mitochondrial fusion protein 1,MFN1)在光学离焦豚鼠近视动物模型视网膜上的表达。方法给15只4周龄幼年豚鼠单眼配戴-7.00 D凹透镜,制作光学离焦性豚鼠近视模型,戴透镜眼作为实验眼,另一眼为自身对照眼。戴镜前及戴镜后1周、2周、3周分别进行检影验光和眼轴长度检查,同时于各时间点分别随机处死5只豚鼠,采用免疫组织化学染色检测视网膜中MFN1的表达,双眼眼球参数检查结果比较采用t检验,对免疫组织化学检查结果做描述定性分析。结果屈光度:豚鼠戴镜前屈光状态均为远视状态,实验眼和对照眼屈光度差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);用-7.00 D凹透镜经1周、2周、3周光学离焦可以造成豚鼠远视屈光度数逐渐下降,戴镜后1周两组比较差异无统计学意义(P=0.380);戴镜后2周及3周实验眼与对照眼比较,差异均有统计学意义(均为P<0.01)。眼轴长度:戴镜前豚鼠双眼眼轴长度比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);戴镜后1周、2周、3周对照眼和实验眼的眼轴均较戴镜前明显延长,实验眼与对照眼的眼轴长度比较差异均有统计学意义(均为P<0.05)。免疫组织化学检测结果:双眼视网膜均可见部分视网膜神经节细胞胞浆及胞膜呈黄色或棕黄色着色,但实验眼免疫阳性细胞着色较深,阳性细胞数相对较多;早期豚鼠近视动物模型视网膜上MFN1阳性表达主要见于视网膜神经节细胞,随着透镜诱导时间的延长,MFN1在视锥视杆细胞中也出现表达,而对照眼无此现象。结论采用-7.00 D凹透镜能成功诱导光学离焦豚鼠近视动物模型,豚鼠视网膜上可见MFN1表达,随着透镜诱导时间的延长,表达强度和部位逐渐发生变化,提示MFN1可能在近视的发生发展过程中起着一定的作用。
Objective To establish the optical defocus induced myopia of guinea pig animal model and preliminarily explore the expression of mitochondrial fusion protein 1 ( MFN1 ) in the retina of in guinea pig lens induced myopia model. Methods Fifteen guinea pigs were obtained. One eye of the guinea pigs was randomly selected as the experimental eye and treated with - 7.00 D lenses. The other eye was served as an internal control group. Ocular refraction and axial length were collected before treatment and 1 week,2 weeks,3 weeks after treatment. After the completion of the refraction and axial length detection at 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks after treatment, 5 guinea pigs were randomly selected, and MFN1 expression in the retina of both eyes was tested by immunohistochemistry technique. Results The refraction data of the guinea pig eyes in the two groups indicated hyperopia before the treatment, and no significant difference was found between the two groups. The degree of hyperopia at 1 week, 2 weeks ,3 weeks after treatment decreased gradually in both eyes, no significant difference was found at 1 week after treatment between the experimental eyes and control eyes(P = 0. 380). However, the refraction data were significantly different at 2 weeks and 3 weeks after treatment between the two groups ( all P 〈 0.01 ). There was no sta- tistical difference in axial length before treatment between the two groups (P 〉 0.05 ), and the axial length at 1 week,2 weeks and 3 weeks after treatment in the two groups were all longer than that before treatment,the differences were significant between the two groups ( all P 〈 0.05 ). The inununohistochemistry results showed that MFN1 positive cells could be observed in the retina of both eyes, mainly in the cytoplasm and cell membrane of the ganglion cells ,MFN1 positive cells appeared brownish or yellow. In the experimental eyes, the immune positive cells were staining deep, and more positive cells could be observed, however, MFN1 positive cells scattered expressed in the ganglion cell layer in the control eyes. Furthermore,MFN1 positive expression could be seen mainly in ganglion cells at the first week of treatment, with the extension of lens induction time, many MFN1 positive cells also appeared in the bipolar cell layer and the rod-cone cell layer, and this phenomenon could not be found in the control eyes. Conelusion The guinea pig myopia models are established successfully by wearing the - 7.00 D concave lens. MFNI positive expression can be seen in the guinea pigs retina, with the extension of lens induction time, the intensity and position of the positive cells change gradually,which indicate that MFN1 may play the certain role in the development of myopia.
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