
纤维蛋白黏合胶预防去势雄兔干眼症的实验研究 被引量:3

Application of fibrin glue on xerophthalmia in castrated rabbit model
摘要 目的研究纤维蛋白黏合胶黏合泪道对雄兔去势所致干眼症的缓解作用。方法选择新西兰白兔36只(36眼,均为右眼),剪除第三眼睑后,3 g·L-1氧氟沙星滴眼液滴眼1周,随后继续适应性喂养1周,取24只雄兔制作去势雄兔干眼症模型,随机分为A、B两组(各12眼):对照组(A组)泪道注射生理盐水,实验组(B组)泪道内注射纤维蛋白黏合胶。剩余12只(12眼,C组)雄兔切开阴囊,不切除睾丸,眼部不予处理,作为假手术组。分别于注射前和注射后2周、4周及8周行SchirmerⅠ试验(SchirmerⅠtest,SⅠT)、角膜荧光素(fluorescein,FL)染色、泪液蛋白测定,并于注射后2周、4周对B组泪道黏膜进行K16免疫荧光染色及Western Blot检查。结果 C组注射前及注射后各时间段各项检测差异均无统计学意义(均为P>0.05)。注射后2周、4周及8周,A、B两组SⅠT、FL染色评分、泪液总蛋白含量、乳铁蛋白、溶菌酶及淀粉酶活性较注射前均有不同程度下降,其差异均有统计学意义(均为P<0.05),但注射后2周及4周B组SⅠT、FL染色评分下降程度较轻,与A组下降程度相比差异均有统计学意义(均为P<0.05)。而B组泪液总蛋白量、乳铁蛋白、溶菌酶及淀粉酶活性则在注射后4周出现下降减缓,与A组相比差异均有统计学意义(均为P<0.05)。免疫荧光染色和Western Blot结果显示B组下睑泪道黏膜K16阴性表达。结论使用纤维蛋白黏合胶黏合泪道可较快而明显地改善干眼的症状和维持泪液蛋白成分,从而延缓去势雄兔干眼症的进展。 Objective To investigate the mitigative effects of conglutinated the lower lacrimal passage with fibrin glue on xerophthalmia in castrated rabbit model.Methods Thirty-six rabbits(24 right eyes) were chosen,and treated with 3 g · L^-1 ofloxacin eye drops for 1 week after cutting off the third eyelid,then all of the rabbits were fed 7 days to adapt the environment.The castrated dry eye model were established in 24 rabbits,and divided into two groups:the control group(group A) injected the physiological saline in the lacrimal passage,and the experimental group(group B) injected the fibrin glue,12 cases in each group.The other 12 rabbits(12 eyes group C)were cut off the scrotum and saved the testes,setting as sham operation group.The Schirmer I test(SIT),corneal fluorescein(FL) and tear protein determination were performed before injection and 2 weeks,4 weeks,8 weeks after injection.The expression of K16 in lower lacrimal passage mucosa of the group B was examined by immunofluorescence staining and Western Blot at 2 weeks and 4 weeks after injection.Results There was no statistical difference in each detected index at different time before and after injection in group C(all P〉0.05).S IT,FL,total proteins,lysozyme,lactoferrin and amylase activity at 2 weeks,4 weeks,8 weeks after injection in group A and group B were all lower than those before injection(all P〈0.05),and the decreased degree of S IT and FL at 2 weeks and 4 weeks after injection in group B was lower than those in group A(all P〈0.05).The total proteins,lysozyme,lactoferrin and amylase activity at 4 weeks after injection in group B showed the downward trend,there were statistical difference compared with group A(all P〈0.05).The results of immunofluorescence and Western Blot showed the expression of K16 in group B was negative in the lower lacrimal canaliculi.Conclusion Conglutinated the lower lacrimal passage with fibrin glue can improve the symptom of dry eye and maintain the component of tear protein,so delay the progress of the xerophthalmia in castrated rabbits.
出处 《眼科新进展》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第1期4-7,共4页 Recent Advances in Ophthalmology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助(编号:81160118 81400372) 全国临床医药研究专项基金(编号:L2012052) 江西省远航工程(编号:2014022) 江西省学位与研究生教育教学改革研究项目(编号:2015) 江西省科技平台建设项目(编号:2013116) 江西省青年科学基金(编号:20151BAB215016) 江西省科技支撑计划项目(编号:20151BBG70223) 江西省教育厅科技计划项目(编号:GJJ14170) 江西省卫计委科技计划项目(编号:20155154) 赣江学者计划(编号:2015)~~
关键词 纤维蛋白黏合胶 干眼症 泪液蛋白 fibrin glue xerophthalmia tear protein
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