
3种盐生植物干物质积累与养分吸收特征 被引量:20

Study on Dry Matter Accumulation and Nutriention Absorption of Three Halophytes under Artificial Planting Condition
摘要 人工种植盐生植物是一种改良与利用盐碱土资源的有效方式,掌握盐生植物的养分吸收特征可以提高改良效果的基础。选取盐地碱蓬、高碱蓬和野榆钱菠菜为材料,研究田间种植的3种盐生植物干物质积累与N、P、K的吸收特性。结果表明:盐地碱蓬、高碱蓬和野榆钱菠菜干物质积累旺盛期在生育末期,此时净积累量分别占干物质总量的96.42%、96.76%和93.29%。3种盐生植物之间以及不同生育期N、P、K浓度差异明显(P<0.05)。盐地碱蓬N含量、高碱蓬K含量、野榆钱菠菜N和K含量随着生育期的推进不断降低,3种盐生植物的P含量和高碱蓬的N含量表现出先增加后减少的趋势,盐地碱蓬K含量先增后减。除高碱蓬对N的积累量呈先减后增外,盐地碱蓬和野榆钱菠菜的N积累量以及3种盐生植物对P和K的积累量均随着生育期的推进不断增加,且生育中期至生育末期增加明显。 Soil salinization is one of the important factors influencing the ecological and environmental,which severely restricts the agricultural production. Biological improvement of saline-alkali land is an effective method of using salt absorption characteristics of salt-tolerant plants to govern salinization,which has important significance for the improvement of saline-alkali land and ecology environment. Artificial planting halophyte is an effective way to improve and utilize the saline soil resource,while it is the basis for land improvement to understand the nutrient absorption characteristics of halophyte. Suaeda salsa,Suaeda altissima and Atripex aucheri were grown by the artificial planting method to study the characteristics of dry matter accumulation and the nitrogen( N) absorptions,phosphorus( P) and potassium( K). Results showed that the vigorous dry matter accumulation period of Suaeda salsa,Suaeda altissima and Atripex aucheri were in last growing stage,when the net accumulation accounted for 96. 42%,96. 76%,and 93. 29% of the total dry matter,respectively. The contents of N,P and K concentrations were significantly different( P〈 0. 05) among the three halophytes and different growth periods. N content of Suaeda salsa,K content of Suaeda altissima as well as the N and K contents of Atripex aucheri continuously decreased with the advance of growth. The P content of the three halophytes and the N content of Suaeda altissima showed an increasing trend after an initial decrease,while the K content of the Suaeda salsa increased at first and then decreased. Except for the N accumulation of Suaeda altissima showed an increasing trend after an initial decrease,the N accumulation of Suaeda salsa and Atripex aucheri,as well as the P and K accumulation of the three halophytes increasingly accumulated with the growth especially in the middle to late growth period.
出处 《干旱区研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期144-149,共6页 Arid Zone Research
基金 新疆自治区"十二五"重大专项"盐渍化低产田生产力提升关键技术研发与示范"课题(201130106-2) 新疆自治区土壤学重点学科资助
关键词 盐生植物 盐渍化土壤 养分 含量 干物质积累量 halophytes salinity soil nutrient content dry matter accumulation
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