
员工差错报告意愿的影响因素--一项关于激励、行为价值和组织氛围作用的探讨 被引量:3

Study on Causes and Effects of Individual Attribution Preference:For Solving the Problem of Concealing the Truth
摘要 充分、及时、有效的信息工作,即有效的差错报告,可以降低事故带来的危害,但在现实生活中瞒报现象仍然经常出现。笔者基于理性行为理论,在构建了一个包括激励、行为价值和组织氛围模型的基础上,对组织员工上报差错事件意愿的影响因素进行分析,并选择医务人员作为问卷对象对假设进行检验。研究证实:个体和他人对主动报告行为态度越认可,个体感知到的公平感越强,群体关系越紧密,对差错事件越关注,个体的报告意愿就会越强烈;惩罚和奖励这两种激励方式以及个体对报告行为价值的感知能显著影响对待这种行为的态度;组织氛围会影响其中的个体,进而影响关于主动报告差错行为的社会规范和态度。这些结论表明,相对于惩罚,奖励同样能够提高个体对主动报告行为的认可,并进一步增加个体主动报告的意愿;提高个体对报告行为的责任感是解决"瞒报"问题的一种有效方法;组织瞒报问题的解决需要组织构建积极的氛围和文化情境。 Adequate,timely and effective information,namely the effective error report,can reduce the harms brought by accident. However,in our real life conceal phenomenon happens frequently. Based on the theory of rational behavior,we develop a model which includes incentives,behavior value and organizational climate,then analyze the factors which may affect personal attribution preference how to enhance the intentions to report error events information. Based on questionnaire survey of the medical person,this paper tests the hypothesis proposed. The results both from the individual level and from the department level indicate that perceptions of organizational justice and positive organizational climate strengthen external attribution preference. And external attribution preference more likely lead person to whistle-blow and self-report negative events. This paper also confirmed that outside-contact incentives could raise the intension of self-report and strengthen the effects of external attribution on reporting intent both in whistle-blowing and self-reporting situations,but contact incentives only strengthen whistle-blowing intent for the ones with internal attribution. This results indicate that compared with punishment,incentive can also improve the individual behavior of active report,and increases the willingness of individual reporting; an effective method to solve the problem of"conceal phenomenon"is to improve the individual's sense of responsibility of reporting; organizations need to build a positive atmosphere and cultural situation to solve the conceal phenomenon problems.
出处 《中央财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期99-106,共8页 Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金“差错文化、归因倾向和差错报告:作用机制和情境因素”(项目编号:71273109) 国家自然科学基金“差错管理氛围对创新行为的跨层次影响:基于创新型企业及其研发人员的实证研究”(项目编号:71372183) 国家社科基金“资源结构、策略选择与中小企业创新绩效关系的研究”(项目编号:15CGL011) 安徽省社科规划项目(项目编号:AHSKY2014D12)
关键词 差错报告意愿 激励 行为价值 组织氛围 态度 Error report will Incentive Action value Organization climate Attitude
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