Harold Bevis和集团董事会高层,很快做出了一个全新的亚洲战略并开始实施。2013年,他首次选择了一家中国的纸业媒体接受采访,在《中华纸业》杂志上,Harold Bevis明确表示:“中国将是Xerium的核心投资主题!”他是这么说的,更是这么做的,以他为首的集团董事会很快决定,在全球范围内进行业务架构调整。在接下来的两年间,Harold Bevis每年来中国的频率明显增高,Xerium在中国的本土化进程大大提速。
With the start of the Kunshan mill of Xerium, the Xerium's localization in China has got the periodical achievement. Mr. Harold Bevis said that meanwhile with the new construction of Kunshan mill, Xerium also reorganized the structure in APAC. Mr. Harold Bevis also said that the Xerium's teams that serve the Asian market are all the independent groups, which can help Asian market enjoy all the cases from the global of the Xerium's products.
China Pulp & Paper Industry