

Issues of Personnel Training in the Sphere of Environment
摘要 本文的研究表明人类活动和其他风险因素对环境的影响与日俱增,指出俄罗斯在环境安全领域呈现出消极趋势,这既体现在反映环境的诸多层面和人口生存力的"环境绩效指数"的整体指标值上,也体现在与大气污染物浓度有关的特定参数上。有害的工作环境导致职业病的不断增长,这也是在企业就业中亟待解决的问题。破解这一困境的良方在于通过开展持续的环境教育来提高民众的环保意识,改变对环境的消费态度。环境安全人才的培养存在以下问题:就业导向活动少,国家和企业在环境教育上合作水平低,教育标准不能充分反映出联邦环境立法方面的持续变化。 The paper presents the results of the study showing the increasing influence of anthropogeuic and other risk factors on the environment. The aulhors point out negative trends in the sphere of envit'onmental safety in Russia; these trends al~ reflected in the values of the integral indicator of "environmental performance index", which describes various aspects of the environment and the viability of the population; these trends are also reflected in the individual parameters associated in particular wilh the concentration of pollutants in atmospheric air. The study has found out that there still remains an urgent problem of employment at enterprises with harmful and hazardous working conditions, which is accompanied by the growth of occupational diseases. The authors show that the way ont of this sitoalion is to promote people's desire to protect the environment and to overcome consumer's attitude towards the enviromuent by organizing continuous environmental education. The following problems in the training in the fiehl of environmental security are defined: the weakening of eareer guidance aetivities, the low level of partnership between the state and business in the field of environmental education, the use of educational standards that do not fully reflect continuous changes in the federal environmental legislation.
出处 《鄱阳湖学刊》 2015年第6期111-116,共6页 Journal of Poyang Lake
关键词 终生环境教育 环境安全 环境绩效指数 俄罗斯 Lifelong environmental education environmental safety environmental peflbrmance index Russia
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