

Development Status and Related Scientific Issues of Ultra High Power and Ultra Short Lasers
摘要 超高功率超短脉冲激光系统在其聚焦焦点附近可以实现高达1022-24 W/cm2的峰值功率输出,为强场物理实验研究,以及实验室内模拟极端环境下的天体物理条件提供了直接的实现方案.自从国际上首次提出了建造EW激光的概念,即输出总功率达到1018 W的大型激光系统后,国际上很多国家都在设计和建造大规模的超高功率超短脉冲激光系统.本文简要介绍了国际上这种规模激光系统的发展状况,并结合国内超高功率高能超短脉冲激光的发展,对超高功率超短脉冲激光系统发展中相关技术问题进行阐述. Strong field physical experiments and some extreme astronomy conditions now can be easily realized at the laboratory by using an ultra-high power and ultra-short laser,for which its power density usually reaches 1022-24 W/cm2 near the focal spot.Ever since the idea of constructing the EW(output laser power^1018 W)laser has been proposed,several oversea and domestic laboratories have begun to build such large scale laser facilities.In this paper,developments of these international facilities are introduced,and some critical issues that will be encountered during the system construction are also being discussed here.
作者 谢兴龙
出处 《安徽师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2015年第6期515-523,共9页 Journal of Anhui Normal University(Natural Science)
基金 国家863高技术专题(2014AA8044010)
关键词 高功率激光 超短脉冲 超强激光 飞秒激光 high power laser ultra short pulse strong field laser femtosecond laser
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