采用各种低影响开发(low impact development,LID)技术措施建设海绵城市以缓解水涝、水源枯竭、水污染等一系列城市水危机问题是当前城市建设发展新潮流,而植物是LID技术措施的关键组成,其耐淹能力、耐土壤贫瘠能力与水质净化能力是决定LID技术措施运行效果的关键。选取美人蕉,黄菖蒲和狭叶香蒲3种能耐涝的水陆两栖植物作为研究对象,通过试验比较研究其耐土壤贫瘠能力与水质净化能力。结果表明:3种试验植物在厦门本地红壤土、砂子、腐殖土的成分质量配比从10∶9∶1变化至18∶1∶1的3种不同沙化程度的人工改良土壤中均能生长,并均具有良好的水质净化能力;3种植物对COD的去除率均超过90%,对TN和NH3-N的去除率则均超过80%;此外,黄菖蒲与美人蕉对TP的去除率更是达到了近100%。
It is a new trend to develop urban by applying LID technical measures in order to alleviate flooding, water depletion and water pollution issuses in cities. Plant is the key part in LID technical measures, whose tolerances to submergence and barren soil, and water purification capacity are key points to decide the operation effect of LID technical measures. Three kinds of amphibious plants of Canna indica L. , Iris pseudacorus L. and Typha angustifolia are chosen as study objects. Their tolerances to barren soil and their capacities to purify water are tested by experiments. The study results indicate that these three plants may grow well in three kinds of artifical soils whose composition ratios of native red soil in Xiamen, sand and humus soil vary from 10 : 9 : 1 to 18 : 1 : 1. All of these three kinds of plants have good water purification capacities. The removal rates of COD of these three plants are all beyond 90% , and the removal rates of TN and NH3-N are all more than 80%. Besides, the removal rates of TP of Iris pseudacorus L. and Typha angustifolia are almost 100%.
Water Resources Protection