
ARTP技术选育吩嗪-1-甲酰胺高产菌株及发酵优化 被引量:6

Breeding of a Phenazine-1-carboxamid-producing Strain by ARTP Mutation and Its Optimization of Fermentation
摘要 从一株高产吩嗪-1-甲酰胺(PCN)的绿针假单胞菌P3株出发,利用常压室温等离子体诱变技术进行诱变育种,从初筛的20株突变株中获得了一株PCN产量达到2 093 mg/L的突变株P3-9,为出发菌株的125%。随后通过单因素实验考察了各种营养因子对该高产菌株合成PCN的影响,结果表明发酵培养基的最佳碳源、氮源分别为甘油和蛋白胨,外源添加Fe3+或Fe2+对于积累PCN有显著促进作用,而添加苯丙氨酸、色氨酸和酪氨酸对PCN产量无明显影响。优化后,该突变株的PCN产量高达2 810 mg/L,是目前国际上通过诱变育种获得的较高PCN产量。 Using an atmospheric and room temperature plasma(ARTP)jet to mutagenize a phenazine-1-carboxamide-producting strain Pseudomonas Chlororaphis P3, the mutant strain P3-9 with the highest phenazine-1-carboxamide(PCN)yield of more than 2 093 mg/L was obtained from the primary-screened 20 mutant ones, and it was 125% that by the original strain. Furthermore, single factor experiment was used to investigate the effects of varied nutrient factors on the PCN synthesis of P3-9. The results showed that the best carbon source and nitrogen source were glycerol and tryptone respectively. Adding Fe3+ or Fe2+ had a significant effect on PCN production, and no measurable effect while adding aromatic amino acids of phenylalanine, tryptophan and tyrosine. After the optimization, the PCN yield of strain P3-9 reached 2 810 mg/L, which was the highest yield of PCN by mutation breeding in the world so far.
出处 《生物技术通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期174-179,共6页 Biotechnology Bulletin
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31270084) 国家高技术研究发展计划("863"计划)(2012AA022107) 国家重点基础研究发展计划("973"计划)(2012CB721005)
关键词 吩嗪-1-甲酰胺 常压室温等离子体 培养基优化 phenazine-1-carboxamide atmospheric and room temperature plasma medium optimization
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