
公共利益与法人自治的平衡——中国慈善法人制度变革的进路选择 被引量:6

Balancing Public Benefit and Autonomy of Legal Persons——the Options of the Approaches Reforming the System Governing Incorporated Charities in China
摘要 慈善法人在实质上是以慈善目的 /公共利益为导向建构出来的私法人形式,这就决定了慈善法人的法律规制,应当在慈善目的/公共利益与法人自治之间保持平衡关系,既确保慈善法人的慈善目的与公共利益的有效实现,同时也要维护慈善法人领域中的私法自治。中国慈善法人制度改革就应当循此逻辑,在实现慈善法人的民间性转型的基础上,从特别法规制、成员权利义务配置以及法人财产属性等方面建构起真正适合慈善法人发展的应然制度。通过比较法的考察与经济学的分析,我们可以探寻出诸多可供我国慈善法人制度改革的必要经验。 In essence, incorporated charities are private legal persons which are established on the basis of the charitable purposes/public benefit, which determines that the legal rules governing incorporated charities should strike a balance between the charitable purpose/public benefit and the autonomy of incorporated charities, to ensure the sufficient realization of the charitable purpose and public benefit of incorporated charities on the one hand, and maintain their autonomy on the other hand. Reform of the system governing incorporated charities should comply with this thought, transforming current charities into independent organisations, and further establishing the normal system suitable for the development of incorporated charities in terms of regulation by the special law, the distribution of rights and duties of members, and the nature of property of legal persons, etc. We can find out a host of necessary experience available for the reform of the system of incorporated charities in China, from comparative and economic perspectives.
作者 李德健
机构地区 山东大学法学院
出处 《法学论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期54-63,共10页 Legal Forum
基金 2014年度国家社科基金一般项目<孔子学院立法问题研究>(14BFX011)的阶段性成果
关键词 慈善法人 比较法 经济学 慈善目的 公共利益 私法自治 incorporated charities comparative law economics charitable purpose public benefit autonomy of private law
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  • 1李德健,陈保君.《慈善法视野下的公益信托论》,载梁慧星主编《民商法论丛(第51卷)》,法律出版社2012年版,第179-219页.
  • 2Cabinet Office Strategy Unit, Private Action, Public Benefit: A Review of Charities and the Wider Not -for -profit Sector, Cabinet Office, 2002, p. 5.
  • 3Charity Commission, The Essential Trustee: What You Need To Know (CC3) , Charity Commission, 2012, p. 6.
  • 4Stuart Cross, "A New Legal Form for Charities: the Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisa- tion", Scots Law Times, no. 39 (2007) , pp. 281 -284.
  • 5Cabinet Office Strategy unit, Private Action, Public Benefit: A Review of Charities and the Wider Not -for -profit Sector, Cabinet Office, 2002, p. 57.
  • 6Gareth G. Morgan, Charitable Incorporated Organisations, Directory of Social Change, 2013, pp. 62 -63.
  • 7李德健.《慈善组织托管人:慈善组织治理的英国进路》,载梁慧星主编《民商法论丛(第57卷)》,法律出版社2015年版,第612-625页.
  • 8, Charity Commission, Membership Charities (RS7), Charity Commission, 2004.
  • 9Model Nonprofit Corporation Act 2008 § 1.40. (39) and (41).
  • 10Alison Dunn, "The Governance of Philanthropy and the Burden of Regulating Charitable Foundations", Conveyancer and Property Lawyer, vol. 76, no. 2 (2012), pp. 114 -128.












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