
3种鸟类对东北红豆杉的取食方式及传播 被引量:3

Fruits Foraging Patterns and Seed Dispersal Effect of Three Kinds of Birds on Taxus cuspidate
摘要 2014年秋季在黑龙江省穆棱镇东北红豆杉自然保护区内调查取食东北红豆杉(Taxus cuspidata)的鸟类及其取食方式。结果表明:鸟类活动与坡向、坡位有关,与海拔、冠幅无关,在阳坡和阴坡上部活动频繁;取食鸟类有3种,灰背鸫(Turdus hortulorum)和白腹鸫(T.pallidus)取食方式为整颗吞下假种皮和种子,消化假种皮后,种子完好随粪便排出从而得以传播;普通?(Sitta europaea)取食方式是啄食种子,种子被破坏,不利于种子的传播。未经取食的东北红豆杉自然掉落在树冠下,假种皮腐烂或被昆虫取食,种子在母树下正常萌发,但存活率很低。东北红豆杉为鸟类提供食物,鸟类帮助其传播种子,二者之间形成了一种互利关系。 In Autumn 2014, we observed three kinds of birds eating Taxus euspidate and their foraging patterns in the Hei- longjiang Province Muling Nature Reserve. The bird activity has relations with the aspect and slope position, but is irrele- vant to elevation and the crown. Birds are moving frequently in sunny slope and shady slope upper part. We observed three kinds of birds which ate seeds of natural yew populations. Among three kinds of birds, gray back Thrush ( Turdus hortulo- rum) and pale thrush ( Turdus pallidus) ate both arils and seeds. They spread the seeds with excrements. The other one, general Sitta (Sitta europaea) ate and damaged the seeds, and they cannot spread the seeds. The falling fruits around the mother trees were eaten by insect and rotting. The seeds grow up as usual around the mother trees. But, the germination rate was very low. Taxus cuspidate provides food to birds, and the birds disperse its seeds. Therefore, mutually beneficial relationship between them was formed.
机构地区 东北林业大学
出处 《东北林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期81-84,89,共5页 Journal of Northeast Forestry University
基金 国家林业局野生动植物保护项目资助(41312411)
关键词 东北红豆杉 灰背鸫 白腹鸫 普通䴓 穆棱 Taxus cuspidata Turdus hortulorum Turdus pallidus Sitta europaea Muling
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