

Survey New Structural Economics: A Multidimensional Perspective
摘要 要素禀赋论又被称为要素比例理论,被誉为国际贸易理论的一大柱石。新结构经济学以要素禀赋理论为基础,将一国的产业结构变迁归因于要素禀赋结构的变化。本文的分析表明:新结构经济学忽视了某些重要的历史因素和现实因素;如果按照新结构经济学的建议来制定一国的发展战略,企业在要素使用结构上将会高度一致,从而可能导致一国经济在面临外部冲击时产生巨大波动。 Factor endowment theory, also called factor proportions theory, is considered to be a theoretical pillar of international trade. New Structural Economics(NSE) is based on factor endowment theory, and attributes structural change to factor endowment structure. This paper argues that for a developing country such as China, NSE is not a good theoretical basis for formulating development strategy for its ignorance of the effects of historical elements on the structural change, and it may result in great macroeconomic fluctuations for a high degree of consistence on factor endowment structure.
作者 王铁成
出处 《湖北经济学院学报》 2016年第1期5-11,63,共8页 Journal of Hubei University of Economics
关键词 结构 经济 新结构经济学 要素禀赋 structural economy New Structural Economics factor endowment
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