
建筑外立面形式对开口溢流火焰特征影响的大涡模拟研究 被引量:9

Large eddy simulation of the influence of building faade form on the flame characteristics of overflow fire through opening
摘要 通过FDS数值模拟分析不同开口高宽比、L型外立面和U型外立面条件下的开口溢出火焰形态、火焰高度和外立面辐射热流密度变化规律。结果表明,单侧翼墙条件下的平均火焰高度比无翼墙限制条件下的火焰高出10%以上,双侧翼墙限制条件下的平均火焰高度比无翼墙条件下高出60%以上;溢出火焰的附壁燃烧程度在外立面构造形式从无翼墙、单侧翼墙、双侧翼墙的变化过程中逐渐增强,对外立面产生的辐射热流密度也随之明显升高,且火焰在双侧翼墙条件下完全发生附壁燃烧,对建筑外立面形成的火灾危害显著增大;开口高宽比越大,火焰高度越高。 FDS was used to simulate the flame form, flame height and facade radiation heat flux density changing laws of overflow fire through opening under different opening aspect ratio, I. shape and U shape facade. Results showed that, flame height under single side wing wall is 10% higher than that of no wing wall, while flame height under double side wing wall is 60% higher than that of no wing wall; the wall attached corn bustion increased according to the order of no wing wall, single side wing wall and double side wing wall, with the obvious in crease of radiation heat flux density; complete wall attached combustion happened under double side wing wall, and increase the harm to building facade fire; bigger opening aspect ratio will result in higher flame.
出处 《消防科学与技术》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第1期32-35,共4页 Fire Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51106189) 公安部消防局应用创新计划项目(2014XFCX16) 公安部四川消防研究所科研计划项目(20148810Z) 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金
关键词 开口溢流火焰 L型外立面 U型外立面 辐射热流密度 火灾蔓延 overflow fire through opening L shape facade U shape facade radiation heat flux density fire spreading
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