
全球价值链视角下APEC主要经济体增加值贸易竞争力比较 被引量:11

The Comparison of Major APEC Members' Value-added Trade Competitiveness in Global Value Chain
摘要 全球价值链下,传统的贸易统计方法难以准确反映各国在参与国际分工过程中的获益程度。文章借鉴KPWW的测算框架,从增加值贸易角度将总出口进行分解,测度和比较APEC九个主要经济体的增加值贸易竞争力,结果表明:按照增加值贸易统计,各成员国在世界贸易中的地位和贸易失衡情况基本没有改变,但出口对各成员国经济增长的贡献却下降了。各成员国增加值出口普遍小于传统贸易统计方法下的全值出口,其中韩国、墨西哥、中国、加拿大增加值出口比重相对较低,说明传统贸易统计夸大了这些国家在全球价值链中的贸易利益。"重复计算"部分分解的结果表明:俄罗斯处于全球价值链上游原材料供应环节;美国处于全球价值链上游和下游等环节;澳大利亚处于中、上游环节;中国、韩国、墨西哥、印度尼西亚、加拿大处于中间加工制造环节;日本虽然也处于全球价值链的中间环节,但其出口的是核心零部件,可从上下游贸易中获得较多利益。增加值贸易统计不仅能够真实反映各国在国际分工中的地位,还能更好地反映贸易利益分配格局,修正贸易差额对贸易利益的扭曲。 In global value chain (GVC), it is difficult for traditional trade statistical methods to accurately reflect the degree of benefit from the participation in international division of labor. Based on an accounting framework put forward by KPWW, this paper breaks up APEC mem hers' gross exports from the perspective of value-added trade and compares the value-added trade competitiveness among nine major APEC economies. The results show that according to value- added trade statistics, the trade position and trade imbalance of all APEC members do not basi- cally change while the contribution of export to their economic growth is declining. All APEC members ~ value-added exports are less than their gross exports based on traditional trade statisti- cal methods, and the proportion of value-added exports in South Korea, Mexico, China and Can- ada is relatively low, indicating that trade benefit from global value chain is overestimated owing to traditional trade statistical methods. The decomposition of double counting terms shows that Russia is at the upstream raw material supply link in global value chain; the United States is at the upstream or downstream links in global value chain; Australia is at the upstream or middle links; China, South Korea, Mexico, Indonesia and Canada are at the middle processing and man- ufacturing links; although Japan is also at the middle link in global value chain, it exports core components and can gain more benefit from its upstream and downstream trade. Value-added trade statistics not only can really reflect the position of a country in international division of la bor, but also better reflect the distribution of trade interests and amend the distortions of trade balance.
作者 闫云凤
出处 《上海财经大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期75-84,96,共11页 Journal of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金(71573180 71103066) 北京市社会科学基金研究基地项目(14JDJGB026) 首都经济贸易大学特大城市经济社会发展研究协同创新中心资助(TDJD201508)
关键词 APEC 增加值出口 重复计算 国外增加值 折返值 APEC value-added export double counting foreign value-added returned valueadded
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