
知识转移对R&D联盟企业创新能力作用路径研究 被引量:2

An Research on the Affect Path of the Knowledge Transfer on the Enterprises' Innovation Ability in R&D Alliance
摘要 本文对R&D联盟企业知识转移的路径进行了研究,深入的分析了知识转移的影响因素,构建了一个包含多个影响因素的理论模型。该模型引入知识转移效果和合作机制作为中介变量,深入剖析知识转移因素对企业创新能力的影响。提出相应假设,运用结构方程模型对研究假设大样本数据进行路径验证。得出结论:知识转移效果和合作机制作为中介变量对企业创新能力有显著的正向影响。R&D联盟企业通过增强知识接收方的吸收能力和知识扩散方的传播能力来达到提高知识转移的效果,构建完善的联盟交易机制能够有效的促进联盟的知识转移的效率和提升企业创新能力。 This paper studies on the path of knowledge transfer in R&D alliance enterprise, in - depth analysis of the factors affecting knowledge transfer and builds a theoretical model that includes multiple influencing factors. The model introduces the knowledge transfer and cooperation mechanisms as mediating variables, indepth analysis of knowledge transfer on enterprises' innovation ability. Corresponding assumptions, the use of structural equation modeling to assume that the large sample data path validation. Coming to conclusions: the effect of knowledge transfer and cooperation mechanism as intermediary variable to enterprise innovative capability has significant positive impact. R&D alliance companies enhances the absorptive capacity of the knowledge recipient and improves the transmission capacity of the knowledge diffusion to achieve to improve the effect of knowledge transfer. To build the perfect alliance of trading mechanism can effectively promote the alliance of the efficiency of knowledge transfer, thereby strengthening the innovative capacity of enterprises.
机构地区 哈尔滨理工大学
出处 《工业技术经济》 北大核心 2016年第2期75-80,共6页 Journal of Industrial Technological Economics
基金 教育部人文社科青年基金项目"基于开放式创新R&D联盟知识创新能力构建与治理机制研究"(项目编号:14YJC630025) 黑龙江省博士后科研启动金项目"共生视角下产业技术创新联盟知识共享及知识治理机制研究"(项目编号:LBH-Q15066)
关键词 R&D联盟 知识转移 创新能力 路径 联盟异质性 合作机制 知识转移效果 R&D alliance knowledge transfer innovation capability path union heteregeneity cooperation mechanism knowledge transfer effect
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