今天的中国已迈入了移动互联的新时代,各大运营商之间激烈的竞争聚焦在了4G网络的向下演进上,作为LTE-A的核心技术,CA(Carrier Aggregation,载波聚合)是网络提速的神兵利器。因此,现网中对CA技术应用的深入研究,有助于释放技术效能,提高用户感知与网络吞吐量。
This is a new era of mobile Internet in China, the fi erce competition among domestic telecom carriersfocus on the LTE-A, as the core of LTE-A technology, carrier aggregation can raise the internet rate ofthe customer. Research on the application of CA in the existing network, and therefore be conducive toenhance the productivity, enhance customer awareness and throughput of network.
Telecom Engineering Technics and Standardization