
HFRP管约束超高性能混凝土的本构模型 被引量:2

Constitutive Model for Ultrahigh-performance Concrete Confined by Hybrid Fiber-reinforced Polymer Tubes
摘要 为了研究混杂纤维增强聚合物(hybrid fiber reinforced polymer,HFRP)约束超高性能混凝土(ultra-high performance concrete,UHPC)圆柱体的轴压特性,通过36个圆柱体轴压试验,测定了应力-应变全曲线.试验结果表明:已有的几个有代表性的强度和极限应变预测模型并不适用于HFRP管约束UHPC,因此,考虑了纤维混杂种类对约束效率的影响,提出了新的强度与极限应变的公式,其预测精度较高;已有几个代表性的应力-应变本构模型预测曲线比实测曲线偏低,提出了双线性的本构模型,理论曲线和试验曲线吻合良好,模型表达式简单,便于设计人员使用. Fiber reinforced polymer(FRP) feature has obvious brittle,while the hybrid fiber reinforced polymer(HFRP) with low brittleness,has multiple fracture characteristics.To research the axial compression behaviors of ultrahigh-performance concrete(UHPC) confined by HFRP,thirty-six HFRPconfined UHPC cylindrical specimens were tested and the stress-strain curves were measured.The experiment shows none of the existing representative models provided a reasonable prediction for strength and strain of HFRP-confined UHPC specimen,therefore a new ultimate strength and strain perdition model considering the confinement effectiveness of different hybrid FRP series was proposed.The new proposed model presented the best fitting results.The stress-strain response predicted by the existing representative models are all below the experimental curves,therefore a new two-stage constitutive model was proposed,which relatively fits the test curves better than that of the existing models.The new proposed model form is simple for engineers to use.
出处 《北京工业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期253-260,共8页 Journal of Beijing University of Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51578021 51378032)
关键词 混杂纤维 超高性能混凝土 约束管 面向设计 本构模型 hybrid fiber reinforced polymers ultra-high performance concrete confinement tube design-oriented constitutive model
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