
福建省城乡发展一体化水平与进展评价:2006-2013 被引量:2

Integration Evaluation of Urban and Rural Development in Fujian Province:2006-2013
摘要 城乡发展一体化是发展新型城镇化,破解城乡二元结构的根本途径。从4个维度构建了中国城乡一体化指标体系,并对福建省城乡发展一体化进行了指标测算和评价。研究结果表明:2006-2013年福建省城乡发展一体化整体上取得了一定成就,但是仍存在3个方面的问题。一是社会发展一体化,特别是教育均衡发展、卫生均衡发展以及社会保障相对滞后,应加大农村公共服务投入,加强师资队伍建设和农村医疗队伍建设,健全基层医疗卫生服务网络,均衡医疗卫生服务资源布局,完善覆盖城乡的医疗保障制度体系。二是城乡资金配置不均衡,应继续开放市场,完善农村金融市场的配套制度并建立和完善分层监管体制,从而增加农村金融供给,促进农村金融需求。三是居民收入和消费质量仍存在着明显的二元结构特征,一方面应继续努力提高农民收入,增加农民收入来源;另一方面,应改善农村流通体系,开拓农村消费市场,培育新的消费热点,挖掘潜在内需。 Integration of urban and rural development is an effective way of the new type of urbanization development and changing the binary structure of urban and rural.In this article,an index system based on the four dimensions is built to make an evaluation of the integration level of urban and rural development in Fujian.The results show that Fujian province has made some achievements in integration of urban and rural development from 2006 to 2013,but there are still three problems.First,the integration of social development relatively lags behind,especially in some aspects of balanced development of education,health and social security,the gap between urban and rural areas should be narrowed by increasing the input of rural public service,strengthening the construction of teaching staff and the construction of rural medical team,improving the network of primary health care,balancing the distribution of medical and health services,and improving the medical security system.Second,flow of financial resources is imbalance.Hence,in order to promote both the rural financial supply and demand,we should continue to open up the market,improve the supporting system of rural financial market,establish and improve the hierarchical supervision system.Third,there are still binary structure of urban and rural in residents' income and consumption quality.Therefore,on the one hand,we should continue to make great efforts to raise the income of the farmers and increase their sources of income;on the other hand,we should improve the rural circulation system,develop rural consumption market,foster new consumption hot spots,and discover potential of domestic demand.
作者 陈方
出处 《北京工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第1期38-47,共10页 Journal of Beijing University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition)
基金 中国社会科学院农村发展研究所创新工程"中国城乡关系研究"项目资助
关键词 城乡发展一体化 指标体系 福建省 integration of urban and rural development index system Fujian province
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