
网络结构、网络权力与合作行为——基于世界旅游小姐大赛支持网络的微观证据 被引量:32

Research on Network Structure, Network Power and Cooperation Behavior: Based on the Micro-evidences from Support Network of Miss Tourism World Contest
摘要 在企业网络化合作实践中,权力如何配置会对合作企业的行为产生直接影响,这是决定网络组织运行效率与治理绩效的关键问题。本文遵循结构决定权力、权力影响行为的逻辑思路,对相关理论进行了深层次分析,提出了一个描述各变量路径关系的理论模型;运用单一探索性案例研究方法收集数据并对网络权力配置进行量化识别,进而对各结点行为作出合理解释。研究发现,中心性越高、自赖性越强、认知性越准、不可替代性越显著的核心结点权力越大,充当结构洞"桥"角色的结点权力较大;权力越大的结点行为自由度越大、行为空间越大,越倾向于维护权力,而权力越小的结点"受制于人"现象越明显、越倾向于改变现状;结点可通过提高自赖程度、培育社会资本、强化比较优势等途径实现网络权力重配,以提升自身权力。本文结论对理解网络权力配置与合作企业行为之间的关系、提高网络组织运行质量具有重要的理论与实践意义。 In the practice of the networked cooperation among en- terprises, the power allocation would have directly influence on the behavior of the cooperative enterprises. This is a key problem determining the operation performance and the governance efficiency of network organization. This paper follows the logic thought of struc- ture determining power, and the power influencing behavior. Relat- ed theories have been analyzed in depth, and theoretical model for describing the relationship among variables have been proposed; the methodology of single exploratory case are used to collect data and identify the network power allocation quantitatively, and behaviors of nodes are explanted reasonably, based on the micro-evidences from support network of Miss Tourism World Contest in Shanxi. A Mathematical model for network power allocation among cooperative enter- prises was proposed through social network analysis. Five seemingly absurd behaviors have been explained in detail. The results suggest that the higher centricity, the more self-dependence, the more accu- rate cognition, and more irreplaceability the case may be, the more likely will lead to core nodes to have the greater power, the nodes acting as a "bridge" role in structural hole have larger power; the more powerful nodes that have the greater degrees of behavior freedom and larger behavior space, the more likely that these nodes tend to main- tain power, however, the more fragile nodes disciplined by others the more likely tend to change the status quo; nodes can achieve reallo- cation of network power by improving the degree of self-dependence, cultivating social capital, strengthening the comparative advantage, in order to enhance their own power. The conclusions of this paper have opened up a new research direction and expanded the research field of network organization, therefore have important theoretical signifi- cances in one hand; on the other hand, network power has become an important factor that affects the decision-making behavior of network nodes, and hence affects the performance of network governance, therefore the conclusions have important practical significances to understand the relationship between the network power allocation and the cooperative enterprise behavior, and to improve the operation quality of network organization.
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期43-53,共11页 Nankai Business Review
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(11A Z D 091) 山西省高校创新团队支持计划(OIT)资助
关键词 网络结构 网络权力 合作行为 支持网络 Network Structure Network Power Cooperation Behavior Support Network
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