
软顶篷折叠机构优化设计 被引量:1

Optimal Dimensional Synthesis of Roof Mechanism for Tri-fold Soft-top Convertibles
摘要 根据某型软顶敞篷车顶篷的运动功能要求,设计出一种三截式八杆折叠机构,对该机构进行了尺寸综合,推导了满足展开和收折位置的折叠机构数学模型,从而实现机构的参数化设计与分析。在此基础上,以折叠机构占用行李箱空间最小化为目标,建立了顶篷折叠机构的优化模型,采用模拟退火法进行优化求解,得到了机构的最佳尺寸。最后建立了顶篷折叠机构的三维模型,并进行运动仿真分析,验证了机构的合理性。 Dimensional synthesis of convertible roof mechanism for tri-fold soft-top convertibles was carried out according to the requirements of the deployment motion. A set of independent variables were selected for deduction of the mathematical model of the mechanism that satisfies the position requirements of the panels in both stowed and deployed states. An optimization model with the objective to maximize the trunk space available to the user was then built. With the nonlinearity characteristic and discontinuous design space, the optimization problem was solved by using the simulated annealing algorithm. Finally, the mobility Of the convertible roof mechanism is analyzed based on structure analysis techniques and computer animation model generated by using the CATIA software package. The result verifies the tri-fold soft-top convertible roof mechanism.
出处 《机械设计与研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期9-13,共5页 Machine Design And Research
关键词 三截式软顶敞篷车 八杆顶篷折叠机构 参数化设计 优化 tri-fold soft-top convertibles eight-bar linkage convertible roof mechanism parametric design optimization
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