
从治国理政的战略高度深刻把握“十三五”时期法治建设 被引量:3

Profound Grasp of the Law Construction of the “13th Five-Year Plan”Period from the Strategic Height of the Country Governing
摘要 党的十八届五中全会审议通过的《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划的建议》,从治国理政的战略高度对全面建成小康社会和未来五年全面改革发展作出新的战略规划和整体布局,具有十分重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。我国未来五年的法治建设在以下10个方面值得期待,包括加强全面依法治国的顶层设计、提升"国家法治实力"、加强宪法实施监督的制度建设、推进国家"良法体系"建设、明确"基本建成法治政府"的五年目标、健全社会主义市场经济法治体系、深入推进地方和区域法治建设、制定实施"国家法治指数"、通过法治引领和保障社会公平正义实现、切实把尊重和保障人权落到实处。 For "Advice on the Development of National Economic and Social Development during the Thirteenth Five-year Planning Period by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China" considered by The Fifth Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, it has a very important practical significance and far-reaching historical significance to make a new strategic planning and the overall layout from the political strategic height on the completion of a comprehensive well-off society and the next five-year comprehensive reform and development. China' s law construction in the next five years is worth looking forward to in the following ten aspects, including to strengthen the top-level design of governing the country according to law, to enhance the "national legal power", to strengthen the implementation of the constitution supervision system construction, to promote the construction of national law system, to make clear the target of "the basic completion of government by law " for five years, to perfect the legal system of socialism market economy, to further promote the local and regional construction of rule of law, to formulate and implement the "national index of the rule of law", to earnestly implement the respect and protection of human rights through the realization of the leading of law and the guarantee of social justice.
作者 李林
出处 《北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2016年第1期1-8,共8页 Journal of Beijing Union University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 十三五 法治建设 依法治国 法治实力 法治体系 法治政府 国家法治指数 13th Five-Year Plan law construction country governing by law legal power legal system government by law index of the rule of law
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