

Variant of NEDD4L Is Associated with Side Effect of Hydrochlorothiazide in Hypertension Patient
摘要 目的上皮钠通道通路(ENa C-NEDD4L-SGK1)在调节机体血压方面起到重要作用,NEDD4L是该通路的关键调控点。N EDD4L功能相关基因变异rs4149601(G/A)可影响血压的变化,增加高血压的易感性。肥胖是高血压的中间表型之一,是高血压的重要危险因素。本研究旨验证NEDD4L基因变异rs4149601与肥胖相关性高血压的关联。方法本研究纳入高血压患者及对照人群共1686名,留取基线临床资料并测量血压、身高、体重、腹围等指标,检测血糖、血脂等生化指标。结果在高血压人群中,按是否肥胖或超重、是否肥胖、是否向心性肥胖分为3个不同的病例对照组,rs4149601的基因型频率在各病例对照组中均无有临床意义的统计学差异。在高血压人群中BMI、腹围与rs4149601的基因频率无关。在肥胖或超重、肥胖、向心性肥胖三组人群中,高血压组及非高血压组间rs4149601基因型频率均无统计学差异。结论 NEDD4L基因变异rs4149601与肥胖相关性高血压无关。 Objective The epithelial Na+ Channel-NEDD4L-proteasome system plays an important role in blood pressure regulation. NEDD 4L is the key link of this system. A functional variant of NEDD 4L, rs4149601(G/A) has been shown to be associated with blood pressure and hypertension. Obesity is an intermediate phenotype of hypertension. The pur pose of the study was to determine whether rs4149601 is associated with obesity-associated hypertension. Methods A total of 1686 participants, including 833 hypertension patients and 853 controls, were included in the study. Blood pressure, height, weight, and waist were measured in all subjects. Odds ratio(OR) and 95% confidence intervals(CI) were used as measures of effect sizes. Results There was no effect of obesity status(including overweight/obesity, obesity and central obesity) on the association of rs4149601 with hypertension. Upon evaluation of NEDD4 L rs4149601 amongst hypertensive patients, rs4149601 genotype was not found to be associated with overweight/obesity, obesity and central obesity. Conclusions NEDD4 L rs4149601 is not associated with obesity-associated hypertension.
出处 《中国分子心脏病学杂志》 CAS 2015年第6期1539-1542,共4页 Molecular Cardiology of China
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金(81200190)
关键词 NEDD4L 基因变异 高血压 肥胖 NEDD4L Variant Hypertension Obesity
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